Hi guys! Well, I have been putting off getting my hair cut for weeks and I finally got it done last week. You see, the stylist I usually go to, Liz, does not work at the salon anymore and I have not been able to track her down yet. So...I put off my haircut to the last minute. I'm always so nervous going to a new stylist! When I find a good one I stick with them. Anyways I made an appointment with a salon I don't usually go to.
The girl was nice and good at cutting hair, but I don't think I'll be going back to her. She was much too tame for me and she had her own vision for my hair and didn't really listen to what I wanted. I showed her pictures of what I wanted, one of them was even of me from right after Liz had done my hair! She saw this and still pretty much just started to give me long layers and long side-swept bangs, like everyone else has. I do like that look, but not really on me. I prefer having some short layers in my long hair and shorter angled bangs. I cut about 5 inches off my length and I wanted my layers and bangs to get even shorter too, something Liz and I had been talking about the last few times I got my hair done.
Shorter. I had to tell her that seriously 50 times. Each time she would take off about a millimeter of hair... I finally just let her finish my hair. It's not that I don't like the result, I do, but I don't love it and It's not what I pictured. Sorry for all the gabbing :P here's my hair...

Oh and I've another exciting bit of news. I went to my mac counter on thursday (for the Venomous Villains collection of course) and got the last bottle of Bad Fairy. I really like it and I'll do a post when I can get some good light :P
Did you guys pick anything up from the VV collection?