Sunday, November 14, 2010

1950s style fail

I tried to do two 1950s looks right after I got my hair cut. They were hard to do considering how short my bangs are, but for a first try I guess it's alright. As for makeup it was simple red lips and black liner.

I think you can see the loops better in this one

This is the first one. I tried to do pin curls with a fluffy side pony. I wish my inspiration for these looks had some before I cut my hair, trying to get those loops to stay put with my tiny fringe was impossible! It's quite a mess, but I still kind of like it :]

This is the second look. I haven't a clue what this is actually called, but it's just rolled up bangs. This one was even harder to do with short bangs. I don't think it suits me anyway.

I'm sorry I've been gone so long, but I will have an update on my life coming up soon. I hope everyone has been doing well!


  1. I think those looks are great! Couldn't do better myself.... mainly 'cause I can't have bangs :P

  2. I like the curls in your first look, and the lipstick is gorgeous on you :)

  3. Akuma Kanji: Thanks! Why can't you have bangs?

    SilhouetteScreams: Thanks. I've always loved pin curls, one day I'll get them professionally done :]

  4. No, it was not a fail. I absolutely love 1950's style, and you look very nice with that style. :-)
