The lovely Sylvia from Wizards of Bling tagged me for a Beautiful Blogger Award and a 10 things that make you happy thing-a-ma-bob :] are seven facts about me. I tried to put things that weren't already in my about me.
1) I love both modern and vintage styles. I love the clean lines of modern furniture and the immaculate details of victorian architecture.
2) I work at an office supply store. I'm a sales associate/cashier. I'm confident that whenever I do quit this job, I will never work retail again (unless I become the owner of a cute store that sells pretty things)...
3) I really like tattoos and piercings. I guess that's to be expected since I love art and jewelry. I have one tiny (but lovely) tattoo and several piercings (nothing extreme though).
4) I love music and I listen to a wide variety of it. I also love to sing, I was in choir for six years (throughout jr. high & high school) but this year I don't have time! I miss it!
5) I'm a shopaholic and I love fashion...but usually I end up wearing sweats everywhere because I'm a lazy lump :]
6) I have an odd diet...or so I'm told. I don't eat any sort of meat that came from things that live on land (such as beef, pork, chicken, etc.) but I do eat seafood. Two of my favorite foods are vegetable soup and calamari.
7) If I could pick up my boyfriend, my puppy and all our stuff and transport it all to California, I'd do it in a heartbeat! Ohio weather sucks and I've been sick of this place for years.
Alrighty, now for ten things that make me happy! (not in any order)
1) Having a piece of art turn out the way I want it to.
2) My boyfriend. He can get on my nerves sometimes, but he's perfect for me.
3) My doggie, Daisy Mae. She's a precious pug and I love her to pieces. She knows she can get away with anything around me.
4) Other cute animals. I guess I'm just a typical girl when it comes to these things. I see an animal that resembles a furball and I go bonkers :]
5) Crafting and DIYing. I love making things that cost a fraction of what you would buy in a store. I also love making body and facial scrubs!
6) When people get along! It's so sad to see adults fighting like children, so when I see people work something out the right way I can't help but smile. I dunno... I guess I'm just one of those people that think peace is the way to go.
7) Delicious food! I'm even more pleased if I find out it's good for me as well!
8) Alton Brown. I love Good Eats and I think he's just hilarious.
9) Springtime. Everything smells so nice and all the plants are popping up.
10) Owls! Owl-themed anything! I love purses, clothing, jewelry with owl designs. So, so cute!
Hmm...who to tag...
I picked people that I didn't tag the last time around.
Aubree from Polish Off
Meh I really don't want to have another picture-less post so here's one that's about a month old. Before I started using the olive oil scrub. I'll have to put before and after photos up sometime soon.
OMG! Must see pic of Daisy Mae! Pugs are just the sweetest little clowns! So different from other dogs. All my other dogs were German Shepard's. And Shepard mix's. And I was crazy about them too. But Pug's are just lil bundles of Puggy wiggles. Does Daisy Mae do Pugtona. The running butt tuck with ears flapping. My Lilly laughs too. You can tell I've been bitten by the Pug bug!
OH YAY im tagged :D
ReplyDeletehaha, im so excited.
well hmph. im always excited.
I think there's a picture of her on my first post but I'll be sure to put more up soon :]
ReplyDeletePugtona? Hahaha. She sure does! We call it the TurboRun :]
Pugs definitely have a way of wiggling into a special place in everyone's heart
Polished Fierce- Excitement is a good thing!
ReplyDeletehaha, indeed. :D