Sunday, February 28, 2010
Wild Card
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Burgundy Frost
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Guppy no. 64
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Rain Check
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Oh my!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
More W'n'W
2. Have you ever gone through an entire bottle of nail polish and bought a second of the same color? Nope, not yet.
3. What’s on your nails? W’n’W Caribbean Frost (I love this color!)
4. What are you reading right now? Alas, nothing. I need a great book to read, any suggestions?
5. Do you do pedicures in the winter? When I feel like it.
6. Where do you paint your nails? On my bed…always praying that I don’t spill polish on my lovely sheets.
7. What’s the last thing you bought? Nutella and fresh bread
8. Do you love it when we “spring forward” and it’s light out until 8:00-9:00 pm? Yes, It’s so much nicer!
9. What is your favorite print or pattern (can be for clothing, furniture, or whatever)? I love almost all patterns and prints. I’m particularly fond on plaid and argyle on clothing, stripes and contemporary floral on furniture.
10. What are your two favorite color combinations? I love turquoise and peach, lavender and soft yellow, or lavender with pea green.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Mmm :]
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Subtle Konad
W&W Morbid and Cherry Brownie Ice Cream!
Friday, February 12, 2010
SinfulColors- Innocent
2. Your hair? Long, brown, actually straightened today!
3. Your Mom? Is in the basement
7. What do you like to drink? Tea!
8. Your dream? To be an artist and to design shirts and jewelry!
9. In what room are you? mine
11. What are you afraid of? The dark!
12. Last travel? chicago or michigan, depending on how you define travel
13. Where were you last night? at home spending time with my boyfriend
15. Muffins? blueberry, please.
16. Wishlist? more art supplies, screen printing stuff, nail polish, laneige products
17. Where did you grow up? ohio, i'll get out of here someday!
18. Last thing you did? took of my nail polish swatches
19. What are you wearing? sweats and a tee
20. Your television? currently on the food network. I love Alton Brown...
21. Your pet(s)? Daisy Mae! My luscious pug!
22. Your friends? Are mostly boys who don't understand beauty product addictions!
23. Your life? is pretty good :]
24. Your temper? Non existent
25. Do you miss someone? Of course
26. Your car? 1991 Plymouth Laser RS...I know, I know! It's as old as I am!
27. Something you don't bring with you? I have a huge purse that I can fit my whole life into.
28. Your favorite shop? All of them!
29. Your favorite color? lavender, turquoise and yellow
30. Last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? Probably the last time I watched a sad movie!
32. Your best friend? I can't choose just one!
33. A place where you can go again and again? The mall, target, craft stores, nature parks, the library
34. Facebook? is okay
35. Favorite place to eat? anywhere I can get something meatfree or seafoody!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
A bit about myself

1. How has your week been going? My week has been lovely so far. I haven't had to go to school at all due to all the snow. Although I only go two days a week in the first place.
2. Do you color your hair? Occasionally when I get quite bored with it, but I usually end up dying it back to normal after a bit.
3. What’s on your nails? Sally Hansen Xtreme wear in Celeb City and gunmetal. It really is a long lasting polish. I've had it on for about three days and it still looks nice.
4. What are your favorite TV shows? Oh goodness, I love TV! But unfortunately I hardly ever get to watch my favorite shows :[! A few of my favorites are True Blood, Brothers and Sisters, Desperate Housewives, anything on HGTV, Food Network, Bravo, DIY, and Discovery channels. I also enjoy animated shows like Family Guy, American Dad, Futurama and various anime.
5. Are there other cosmetics that you love as much as nail polish? Yes! Although I love nail polish, I couldn't live without mascara!
6. Are you a fan of Nutella? mmmm yes. I don't like peanut butter, so Nutella is the perfect alternative.
7. What’s your favorite base and top coat? I actually use Nail Life nail revitalizer as both a base and top coat even though that isn't what it's meant for. It is the only thing that has worked to really strengthen my nails!
8. Do you love boots? How many pairs do you own? I do love boots for wintertime, but I only have one pair :[
9. Would you rather spend a 2 week (all paid) vacation lounging on a beach in Fiji, touring the city streets of Japan, or rugged hiking in Australia? Oh my! I would gladly do any of these and hope to experience them all in the future. Right now though, I would really love to visit Japan.
10. What is your favorite physical thing about yourself? Hmm at the moment I would have to say my hair. I just got it cut and I absolutely adore it!